Environmental Considerations

Landscape & visual

A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment will identify any potential effects of the proposed development on the surrounding landscape and visual amenity.


Assessments on local hydrology, soils and flood risk at the site will highlight any key risks and inform appropriate mitigation proposals and the design layout.

Ecology & biodiversity

This assessment will consider the local ecology and ornithology onsite and surrounding area. Surveys will inform recommendations for mitigation and measures for biodiversity enhancement.


A noise assessment will be undertaken to identify and mitigate any potential effects on receptors, including residential receptors, in the surrounding area.

Cultural heritage

The cultural heritage assessment will cover any potential effects to both on-site and off-site heritage assets. Mitigation measures will be outlined to minimise or offset any adverse effects identified.

Find out more about our plans below

Proposals and Vision

Have Your Say

TBC Partners would like to hear your ideas on initiatives and schemes that could support areas of the community in need. Please speak to the project team or fill out our online feedback form below. All suggestions will be reviewed by TBC Partners.